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Building Strength Safely

No texto a seguir feito para o nível A1, ensinamos os adverbios (adverbs) falando sobre musculação.



Muscle building is a good way to stay healthy.

When you lift weights correctly, you make your body strong.

It's important to start slowly and learn the right way to do each exercise.

If you do it badly, you can hurt yourself.

Always warm up carefully before you start.

Some people lift weights very fast, but it's better to do it slowly.

This way, you work your muscles hard, but safely.

After exercising, you should stretch happily because you did a good job.

When you keep going, you will see your body change beautifully.


Exercise 1. Escreva os advérbios dos adjetivos a seguir:

bad: ______________

correct: ______________

beautiful: ______________

terrible: ______________

good: ______________

hard: ______________

fast: ______________

safe: ______________

careful: ______________

happy: ______________

Exercise 2. Choose the best option


a. I speak English good.

b. I speak English well.

c. I speak English goodly.


a. My sister reads books quickly.

b. My sister reads books fastly.

c. My sister reads books quick.


a. You should do this test careful.

b. You should do this test carefulled.

c. You should do this test carefully.


a. My best friend plays the piano beautiful.

b. My best friend plays the piano beauty.

c. My best friend plays the piano beautifully.


a. Please speak quietly in the library.

b. Please speak quiet in the library.

c. Please quietly in the library.

Exercise 3. Choose the correct option:

a) The math problem was (hard/hardly), but I solved it.

b) I (hard/hardly) ever eat salad.

c) It's (hard/hardly) to believe he's a Doctor.

d) I can (hard/hardly) wait for the weekend!

e) He trains (hard/hardly) for the marathon.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with "hard" or "hardly":

a) He works __________ to be the best in his class.

b) I __________ saw her at the party; it was too crowded.

c) She studies __________ for her tests.

d) They __________ watch TV because they prefer reading.

e) The chair is too __________ to sit on comfortably.

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Qualities of Colleagues

No texto a seguir, trabalhamos o presente simples com 'is' e adjetivos. Veja como cada criança é descrita. Texto feito para alunos de inglês


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