No texto a seguir, vamos entender o benefícios do banho frio e como realizá-lo de maneira apropriada (e menos sofrida). As lições aqui são cientificamente embasadas. O texto aborda o will e o imperativo e foi desenvolvido para o nível A1 ou A2.
In this guide, we'll explore why they're great for you and teach you how to do it.
Benefits: why you will feel better
You will be happier because your brain will produce substances that make you happier.
You will have better blood flow.
You will get sick less.
You will have healthier skin and hair.
You will recover faster after exercise.
Instructions: How to Take a Cold Shower
Start with warm water.
Wash your body in a comfortable temperature.
Reduce the temperature gradually.
Be in cold water.
Breathe deeply and calmly.
Begin with 30 seconds.
Increase your resistance.
Try 2 or even 3 minutes of cold water.
Warm up before leaving.
Use a towel to remove all the water from your body
Try it in your time and enjoy the benefits.
Coloque na ordem correta de acordo com o texto
a. Wash your body in a comfortable temperature.
c. Breathe deeply and calmly.
d. Start with warm water.
e. Warm up before leaving.
f. Be in cold water.
g. Reduce the temperature gradually.
What are the potential negative effects of taking cold showers on the body and health?
Can you provide some examples of alternative techniques to boost overall health and wellness?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of taking an ice bath, and what factors should be considered before trying it?