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Charlie Munger: Uma Figura Notável nas Finanças

Nesta aula, vamos aprender sobre Charlie Munger, um dos maiores investidores da história e parceiro de negócios de Warren Buffett. Ele foi uma figura influente no mundo das finanças e um dos pilares do sucesso da Berkshire Hathaway. Além de sua genialidade nos investimentos, Munger era conhecido por seu pensamento estratégico e sua disciplina na tomada de decisões.

Agora, vamos explorar um pouco mais sobre sua trajetória e impacto no mundo financeiro.

Charlie Munger foi parceiro de negócios e melhor amigo de Warren Buffett. Ele teve um papel fundamental na empresa Berkshire Hathaway. Munger era um homem inteligente, perspicaz e sagaz. Também era um pensador sábio, astuto e prudente.

Munger foi um investidor brilhante, experiente e altamente conhecedor do mercado financeiro. Ele tomava decisões de forma paciente, disciplinada e metódica. Além disso, era uma pessoa calma, equilibrada e racional.

No mundo das finanças, Munger foi uma figura influente, respeitada e admirada. Ele teve uma carreira de grande sucesso, sendo um empresário rico e realizado. Além disso, era generoso, filantrópico e compassivo.

Em resumo, Charlie Munger foi uma pessoa notável, excepcional e extraordinária.



Charlie Munger was Warren Buffett's partner in business and best friend. He was important in the company Berkshire Hathaway. Charlie Munger was an intelligent, insightful, and astute man. He was also a wise, sharp, and shrewd thinker. Munger was a brilliant, knowledgeable, and experienced investor. He was a patient, disciplined, and methodical decision-maker. Munger was a calm, composed, and rational individual. He was an influential, respected, and admired figure in the world of finance. Munger was a successful, wealthy, and accomplished businessman. He was a generous, philanthropic, and compassionate person. Overall, Charlie Munger was a remarkable, exceptional, and extraordinary individual.

Watch his answer when asked why he is not as rich as Warren Buffet.

Charlie Munger aula de inglês para executivos

Charlie Munger com Warren Buffet aula de inglês para executivos


Exercise 1. Fill in the Blanks:

Charlie Munger ______ Warren Buffett's partner.

He _______ important in the company Berkshire Hathaway.

Munger _______ an intelligent, insightful, and astute man.

He _______ a wise, sharp, and shrewd thinker.

Munger _______ a patient, disciplined, and methodical decision-maker.

He _______ an influential, respected, and admired figure in the world of finance.

Munger _______ a successful, wealthy, and accomplished businessman.

He _______ a generous, philanthropic, and compassionate person.

Overall, Charlie Munger _______ a remarkable, exceptional, and extraordinary individual.

Exercise 2. True or False:

Charlie Munger was a partner of Jeff Bezos.

He was important in Microsoft.

Munger was athletic.

Munger was the best friend of Warren Buffet.

Munger was a careless man.

He was an impatient decision-maker.

Munger was a Finance Professor.

Munger was a billionaire.

Exercise 3. Match the adjectives with their opposites:











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