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Claudia Goldin Wins Prize for Studying Women at Work

Claudia Goldin won a big prize called the Nobel in Economics. She won it for studying how women work and earn money. She is the third woman to get this prize.

Claudia Goldin is a teacher at Harvard. She has studied why men and women get different pay for their jobs. She also looked at how women's work has changed over 200 years.

Why did she get the prize?

The group that gives the prize said Claudia did good work. She found out that fewer married women worked in the 1800s. But more women started working in the 1900s. In the 1970s, many things changed for women. They got married later and studied more. They also worked more outside the home. Today, women earn less money than men. Claudia found out that this is mostly because women often take care of children and the home.

What did Claudia say?

Claudia said she wants people to understand how work has changed over time. She believes men and women should share work at home and outside. She also said she was very happy to win the prize.

What do other people say about her?

Other teachers and students say Claudia's work is very important. They think she has helped many people understand how women work. They also say she is a good teacher and helps other women in her job.


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