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Hardest job in the world


What is the hardest job in the world?

Would you accept a job in which you would not have weekend off, vacation or holydays?

Would you accept a job that you had to stand for hour and hours?

Would you accept a job that you had to work 24 hours a day?

All these and you would not get paid. What would you say to the interviewer?

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Mother's Day is a special occasion celebrated annually to honor the love and affection of mothers towards their children. It is celebrated in the United States, Australia, and Brazil on the second Sunday of May. The holiday originated in the United States and was inspired by the work of Ann Jarvis, a woman who organized Mother's Day Work Clubs to improve health and sanitation conditions in her community. These clubs later became a model for the modern celebration of Mother's Day. Ann Jarvis' daughter, Anna Jarvis, continued her mother's work and campaigned for Mother's Day to become a national holiday. Today, Mother's Day is marked by giving cards, flowers, and gifts to mothers and mother figures, as well as by making phone calls and dining out. The most popular flower associated with Mother's Day is the carnation, symbolizing a mother's love. Whether celebrating in the United States, Australia, or Brazil, Mother's Day is a day to show appreciation for the love and sacrifices of mothers everywhere.

Anna Jarvis, the creator of Mother's Day

Carnation Flower

Reading comprehension

  • When is Mother's Day celebrated?

  • Who do we celebrate on Mother's Day?

  • Who started the tradition of Mother's Day?

  • What are some ways that people celebrate Mother's Day?

Interactive Activity

Write a letter to your mothers, expressing your love and appreciation. Be creative and share your letters with the class if you feel comfortable doing so.


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