Listen and Repeat
1. Sit down - Teach the dog to sit on command.
2. Lie down - Teach the dog to lie down on command.
3. Give - Train the dog to give you its paw on command.
4. Stop - Discourage the dog from biting or nipping with a firm "stop" or "no".
5. Walk - Train the dog to walk calmly on a leash without pulling.
6. Run - Encourage the dog to run and play in a safe and controlled manner.
7. Stay - Train the dog to stay in one place until you give the release command.
8. Come - Teach the dog to come to you on command.
9. Drop - Train the dog to drop whatever it is holding in its mouth.
10. Quiet - Discourage the dog from excessive barking or howling with a firm "quiet" command.
11. Stay close - Encourage the dog to stay close to you when off-leash by using the command "stay close" and rewarding the dog for good behavior.
12. Catch - Train the dog to catch a ball or other objects in its mouth on command.