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Laura's Birthday Planning

Boss Laura: Alright, children— I mean, team. Line up! Single file! No talking!

Evan: I hope I did everything right for the party.

Emma: It's just a birthday party. What's the worst that could happen?

Boss Laura: Emma! Is that chit-chat I hear? Remember, silence is golden!

Emma: Sorry, Boss Laura.

Boss Laura: Now, as you all know, my birthday is coming up. And I expect it to be organized perfectly. Evan, you're in charge of decorations. I want everything to be pink and white.

Evan: Yes, Boss Laura. Pink and white.

Boss Laura: And no balloons! I hate the sound they make when they pop.

Evan: Sure! No balloons.

Boss Laura: Emma, you're in charge of the cake. It should be chocolate with vanilla frosting. And I want exactly 50 candles on it. Not one more, not one less.

Emma: 50 candles, got it.

Boss Laura: And remember, I want everyone to sing 'Happy Birthday' in perfect harmony. No off-key singing! I'll be listening.

Evan: We'll practice, Boss Laura.

Boss Laura: Good. Now, before you all go back to your desks, remember: I have eyes everywhere. I'll know if you're not working hard on my party. And no talking unless it's about my birthday. Understood?

Evan & Emma: (in unison) Understood, Boss Laura.

Boss Laura: Dismissed! And remember ‘early to bed, early to rise’. I expect everyone to be here on time tomorrow.

Emma: I think I'll set three alarms just to be safe.

Evan: Make it four.


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