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There Is a Need for a New KPI Management System in HR

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Director: There is a need to develop a new system for managing our KPIs. There are several important KPIs we must track.

Manager: What are these KPIs, Director?

Director: There is employee satisfaction, employee turnover rate, and training effectiveness. There are also KPIs for productivity and time to hire.

Manager: There are many KPIs to consider. How will the new system help us manage them?

Director: There is going to be a database in the new software. There is also going to be a dashboard. The manager will be able to input information easily.

Manager: That sounds good. There are often problems with inputting data manually.

Director: Yes, there are. But with this new system, there is no need to worry. There is going to be an easy-to-use interface.

Manager: There is one question. Is there a way to generate reports automatically?

Director: Yes, there is. There are options for customized reports. There is also an alert system for important changes.

Manager: That is very helpful. There are times when we miss important changes.

Director: Exactly. There are many benefits to this new system. There is more accuracy and efficiency. There are fewer errors.

Manager: There are some employees who might need training on the new system.

Director: There is going to be training sessions for all users. There are online tutorials and support as well.

Manager: Great. There is a lot to look forward to with this new system.

Director: Yes, there is. There are many ways this system will improve our KPI management. There is no doubt it will be a valuable tool. We will call it "WorkDay".


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