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Working late

No texto a seguir feito para o nível A1, falamos sobre trabalhar até mais tarde com o uso do "present continuous" (presente contínuo).


Do you work late?

How do you feel?



Son: Hey Dad! What's up? You're working late again. Come home, it's time to relax.

Dad: I'm just finishing up some work, buddy.

Son: You're always working late. Are you feeling stressed?

Dad: Yeah. I am feeling stressed. I am trying finish everything.

Son: Are you taking breaks at least?

Dad: Not really. I'm not taking breaks.

Son: Make sure you're staying hydrated.

Dad: Thanks for the reminder. I'm grabbing some water.

Son: And how about your dinner? Are you eating anything?

Dad: Yes, I am. I am eating a hot dog.

Son: Alright. I am waiting for you.

Dad: Thanks for looking out for me, buddy.

Son: No problem, Dad.

Dad: I appreciate it, son. I'm going home soon.


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No texto a seguir, trabalhamos o presente simples com 'is' e adjetivos. Veja como cada criança é descrita. Texto feito para alunos de inglês


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