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Worlds Alberto Has Explored

Neste diálogo de nível C1, Anna e Alberto, um designer de jogos, mostram como experiências moldam a criação. Explore o uso do pretérito perfeito e imperfeito na prática.



Anna: Hey Alberto, I heard you've traveled a lot recently. Is that true?

Alberto: Yes, Anna! I've visited many countries over the past few years.

Anna: That sounds amazing. Have you used any of your travels in your game designs?

Alberto: Absolutely. I went to Japan last year and the beautiful landscapes and architecture inspired me. I've used some of those elements in my latest game.

Anna: Oh, I know that game! The level with the cherry blossoms and traditional temples seemed so real. Did you visit those places?

Alberto: I did! I've visited places like Kyoto. The temples there had such an impact on me.

Anna: Have you visited other places that influenced your designs?

Alberto: I've visited the deserts of Morocco, the jungles of Brazil, and the icy terrains of Antarctica. After my trip to the Amazon rainforest a couple of years ago, I designed a jungle survival game.

Anna: I remember the details in that game – so realistic. Was the desert level inspired by your Morocco trip?

Alberto: Exactly! I've seen sunsets in the Sahara Desert that took my breath away. I've tried to reflect that in the game.

Anna: Alberto, the real-world experiences you've had seem so enriching. It's great how you've brought them into your game designs.

Alberto: Thanks, Anna. I think the best game designs come from real experiences. I've seen a lot of the world and love bringing it into my games.

Image to illustrate the dialogue

Cherry Blosson

Japanese Traditional Temple

Moroccan Sahara

Brazilian Jungle


Certainly! Here are some exercises based on the text: Comprehension Questions:

  1. Where did Alberto get the inspiration for the level with cherry blossoms and traditional temples?

  2. Which city in Japan did Alberto mention visiting?

  3. What type of game did Alberto design after his trip to the Amazon rainforest?

  4. Which desert did Alberto visit?

  5. According to Alberto, where do the best game designs come from?

Grammar Exercises: Simple Past vs Present Perfect Directions: Choose the correct verb tense (simple past or present perfect) to complete each sentence.

  1. Alberto _______ (visit) Japan last year.

  2. He _______ (see) sunsets in the Sahara Desert that took his breath away.

  3. Anna _______ (hear) that Alberto has traveled a lot.

  4. Alberto _______ (travel) to many countries over the past few years.

  5. He _______ (design) a jungle survival game after his trip to the Amazon rainforest.

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb in either the simple past or present perfect tense.

  1. Alberto _______ (use) his travels as inspiration in his game designs.

  2. Anna _______ (know) the game that Alberto was talking about.

  3. He _______ (be) to the deserts of Morocco and the jungles of Brazil.

  4. Alberto _______ (bring) his real-world experiences into his game designs.

  5. Anna _______ (remember) the details from Alberto's jungle survival game.

Answers: Comprehension Questions:

  1. Japan

  2. Kyoto

  3. A jungle survival game

  4. Sahara Desert

  5. Real experiences

Grammar Exercises:

  1. visited

  2. has seen

  3. has heard

  4. has traveled

  5. designed

Fill in the blanks:

  1. has used

  2. knows

  3. has been

  4. has brought

  5. remembers

I hope these exercises help!

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